HPC assist Aspire LPP in Kent care home planning appeal

Hearing evidence from a Director of HPC has assisted a longstanding client in gaining consent for development in Whitstable.

“The appellant has set out a compelling case in respect of registered care accommodation need in both the entire District and the more immediate locality. A Care Home Need Assessment has been submitted, produced by Healthcare Property Consultants (HPC).…..I am satisfied that demonstrable need for the proposed development has been adequately provided, and that this outweighs the harm that arises from the loss of the existing Open Space… ”

Inspector; Appeal Decision

In November 2023, our longstanding client Aspire LPP sought outline consent for the development of a care home in Whitstable, Kent. Acknowledging the findings of a HPC Care Home Need Assessment, the Officer Report to committee further confirmed the findings to align with the opinion of the Commissioning Authority – Kent County Council. Despite the acknowledged need, the application was refused, primarily (though not solely) due to loss of Protected Open Space.

It was somewhat surprising that, a fortnight prior to Appeal Hearing, Canterbury City Council confirmed a change of mindset with need for further care home provision no longer deemed Common Ground. The Hearing was held within the historic Grade II Listed Tower House, Canterbury – a truly impressive 14th century venue aside the Great Saur. Thanks, in part, to expert witness evidence from HPC Director Nigel Newton Taylor, the presence of need was accepted and the appeal allowed on 6th March 2025.

HPC assist Aspire LPP in Kent care home planning appeal